
In our last Strategic Plan we committed to deliver against five strategic aims. This section sets out some of our key achievements against those aims.

We said we would:

1. Reduce crime by working with our partners and our railway community to tackle the causes of crime, as well as dealing with crime incidents.

Key achievements:

  • a reduction in recorded offences from 135,139 in 2004-05 to 109,508 in 2007-08, including significant reductions in key areas such as line of route (22%), theft of passenger property (14%), staff assaults (14%) and robbery (46%)
  • the implementation of local joint tasking and coordinating arrangements in all BTP Areas, and improved access of partners to BTP through secondments to industry, and better access to information through direct links to BTP data sources

2. Investigate crime in an efficient, effective and timely manner, in order to increase the number of detections and the number of offenders brought to justice. Over the next three years, we aim to increase our overall detection rate to a level that is above the average for Home Office Forces.

Key achievements:

  • an improvement in the overall notifiable detection rate from 17% at the end of 2004-05 to 27% at the end of 2007-08. Particularly noteworthy was the achievement of a 52% detection rate for staff assaults, a 48% detection rate for hate crime and a 39% detection rate for robbery
  • the delivery of an intelligence-led approach to all operational activity through use of the National Intelligence Model

3. Promote public safety and assurance by working in partnership with others to make the railway a safe environment for all.

Key achievements:

  • a 140% increase in the number of detections for notifiable offences involving disorder between 2004-05 and 2007-08
  • the introduction of 61 neighbourhood policing sites including 30 on London Underground
  • exploitation of the benefits of complementary policing in order to provide reassurance and increased visibility on stations and trains

4. Respond to incidents in a way that meets the needs of our railway community and takes into account local priorities.

Key achievements:

  • the conclusion of police activity which disrupts train movement to an average of 76 minutes when dealing with railway fatalities
  • response times achieved for counter terrorism vehicles in London and resolution of incidents
  • rationalised control room functions to maximise our ability to respond
  • the introduction of a single crime recording centre to provide a faster and more accessible means of recording crime
  • implementation of the Airwave national communication system
  • the introduction of a localised planning process

5. Ensure that BTP makes the most effective use of its people; supported by timely and accurate financial information to aid operational decision making sustained by the use of sound Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Key achievements:

  • the realisation of £6m efficiency savings and redirection of a total of £3m released by further efficiency savings to improve service provision between 2005-06 and 2007-08
  • the implementation of new structures and processes for the Finance Department to improve efficiency and value for money
  • the introduction of a student officer training programme in collaboration with the City of London Police (CoLP) and the City University (London)

the maximisation of benefits such as increased productivity and visibility from the effective use of modern technology, for example through the provision of immediate access to forcewide systems, the introduction of new duty management systems, and the piloting of mobile data

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