People and Culture

On behalf of the Authority, the People and Culture Committee oversee and appraise BTP’s approach towards matters pertaining to people, culture, leadership and behaviours.

The committee membership is four Members of the Authority.

The next meeting for the People and Culture Committee is on Friday 06 June 2025


A digest of key issues arising at each meeting will be circulated to the Full Authority for information. The minutes of each committee meeting will be reported to the next meeting of the Full Authority, with any reports or issues requiring the attention of the Full Authority highlighted by the Chair of the committee.


  • To be proactive in providing advice and guidance on the strategic direction of the overall People Strategy and the policies designed to achieve it. Including advice on the effective management of the key risks BTP is seeking to manage in the context of realising its People Strategy.
  • To oversee, provide advice and guidance on the strategic direction of the Reward Strategy, ensuring that it remains effective at attracting and retaining a high-quality workforce which is also affordable
  • To review annual pay claims for officers and staff taking account of how these fit with the wider Reward Strategy and to recommend any pay awards for approval by the Appointments Remuneration and Appraisal Committee
  • To consider and approve all changes to terms and conditions that fall under the Police Regulations 2003 and all departures from the Police Regulations, including changes made to the Police Regulations that the organisation chooses not to adopt
  • To encourage innovation with respect to employment matters whilst satisfying itself as the legal employer of police staff and officers, of compliance with relevant employment legislation
  • To receive advice from and provide support to the Director of People and Culture in relation to matters of Authority interest and provide a forum for input, discussion and feedback on contemporary people practice
  • To consider external and internal developments and drivers which are relevant to the success of, and which inform, the strategic people priorities, including but not limited to outputs from arrangements for sentiment testing employee attitudes and opinions
  • To monitor BTP’s key performance indicators with regard to agreed strategic People objectives, including but not limited to recruitment, retention, progression, training and management of attendance
  • To receive the high-level outputs from the annual talent management process
  • To have oversight of legitimacy with respect to the representation, equality and diversity of BTP’s workforce
  • To have oversight of the implementation of the Wellbeing, Health and Safety Strategy and policy compliance; including review of an annual assurance report; reporting by exception, including but not restricted to, resourcing, availability of competent advice, risk assessments, and training; and quarterly trend/statistical reporting on wellbeing, health and safety
  • To consider reputational, cultural and financial implications of professionalism matters reported by exception, including from the perspective of a public lens. This may include high profile complaints, appeals/reviews, grievances, employment tribunals and civil claim cases
  • Deep dive(s) of any risks referred to from the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee


  • Staff and Officer pay award recommendations in July


  • The People and Culture Committee will meet at least four times a year. The Chair of the Committee may convene additional meetings, as they deem necessary