Formerly known as the Performance and Delivery Committee, the Finance, Legitimacy and Performance Committee reviews British Transport Police’s performance in those areas. The quorum of the committee is half the Membership.
The next meeting for the Finance, Legitimacy and Performance Committee is on Wednesday 14 May 2025
Deputy Chair
The Finance, Legitimacy and Performance Committee will formally report in writing to the Authority after each meeting providing a quarterly strategic performance and budget report and highlighting any other significant matters arising.
- Assessing financial reports, including performance against annual and medium term financial plans and ensuring the effective review by the Authority of financial performance.
- Assessing progress against delivery and spend on capital projects and major revenue schemes approved by the Authority in accordance with the scheme of delegation.
- Examining post completion reports for all capital and major revenue schemes approved by the Authority in accordance with the scheme of delegation.
- To assess and provide supportive challenge on BTP’s operational and organisational performance and efficiency against criteria which are defined in the rolling strategic plan (and supporting plans such as the people and estates strategy)and refreshed annually to include operational and organisational performance pillar gradings, KPIs and outputs from external inspections.
- To have oversight of other business as usual operational indictors such as the use of Stop and Search and use of force including,deployment of Taser and firearms to include delivery of mandatory training to maintain these capabilities.
- Request and consider information from BTP, BTPA, stakeholders and other sources to support scrutiny activities in terms of internal and external comparison and benchmarking of performance.
- Oversee development of an annual performance report from the Authority to be included in the statutory accounts.
- Oversee BTP compliance with legislative requirements and guidance with respect to referral of cases to the IPCC, complaint and conduct handling and custody facilities.
- Track trends in relation to public complaints, non-complaint investigations and investigations into civil claims and internal matters conducted by the Professional Standards Department (PSD) and make recommendations as appropriate.
- Oversee the development and maintenance of the Force’s capability and representation as set out in the people strategy through the monitoring of key HR data relating to recruitment, retention, progression, grievance and management of attendance.
- The Authority satisfies itself as the legal employer of police staff and officers, of compliance with relevant employment legislation.
- Quarterly Authority meetings
- Annual performance and delivery report
- Annual health and safety report to the Audit & Risk Assurance Committee’s June meeting
The Finance, Legitimacy and Performance Committee will meet at least quarterly ahead of Authority meetings. The Chair of the Committee may convene additional meetings as they deem necessary.