Meeting: Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

  • Date: 25 September 2024
  • Time: 10:30 - 13:00
  • Location: Hybrid / Microsoft Teams & Meeting Room G1/G2, British Transport Police Force Headquarters, 25 Camden Road, London, NW1


As per paragraph 40, Annex 2 (Procedural Standing Orders) of the BTPA Code of Governance (June 2024), this meeting will be held in private but with its papers and minutes published online, in accordance with BTPA’s FOI Publication Scheme. Any papers withheld from publication are marked with an asterisk (*). The agenda pack will be available for download shortly.

Agenda Item 1

Agenda Item 2

Agenda Item 3

21 June 2024
Agenda Item 3.1

5 July 2024
Agenda Item 3.2

Agenda Item 4

[Background Paper] Action 7/2024
Agenda Item 4.1

[Background Paper] Action 11/2024
Agenda Item 4.2

Joint Risk Management Update Q1 2024/25
Agenda Item 5

Joint Strategic Risk Register Q1 2024/25
Agenda Item 5.1

Financial Sustainability Strategic Risk Deep Dive
Agenda Item 5.2

Risk Management Strategy Progress Report
Agenda Item 5.3

Chief Financial Officer’s Report Q1 2024/25
Agenda Item 6

Counter-Fraud Update Q1 2024/25
Agenda Item 7

Functional Standards Update
Agenda Item 8

Deputy Chief Constable’s Report Q1 2024/25
Agenda Item 9

Assurance Framework
Agenda Item 10

Government Internal Audit Agency Internal Audit Progress Report Q1 2024/25
Agenda Item 11

[Background Pack] Government Internal Audit Agency Internal Audit Final Report / Risk Management
Agenda Item 11.1

[Background Pack] Government Internal Audit Agency Internal Audit Travel Expenses Follow-Up
Agenda Item 11.2

[Background Pack] Government Internal Audit Agency Internal Audit Pack Supplement
Agenda Item 11.3

External Audit Planning Management Letter 2023/24
Agenda Item 12

External Audit 2023/24 Lessons Learned
Agenda Item 13

Agenda Item 14

Any Other Business
Agenda Item 15

Meeting Evaluation
Agenda Item 16