Scottish Railways Policing Committee


The next meeting for the Scottish Railways Policing Committee is on Wednesday 04 June 2025

The Scottish Railways Policing Committee was established in 2019 to provide,

  • accountability and transparency for railway policing in Scotland
  • oversight and scrutiny of the safe and effective management and delivery of railway policing in Scotland
  • an appropriate mechanism to assess and report to the BTPA in respect of value for money in relation to those elements of the BTPA Fund invested in railway policing in Scotland.

The Committee is comprised of the Chair (normally the Scotland Member on the British Transport Police Authority) and no more than four other Members: up to two Members from the British Transport Police Authority and up to two Members co-opted from the Scottish Police Authority. Current SPA Co-Opted Committee Members are Tom Halpin and Mary Pitcaithly. BTPA Members are,