Meeting: Performance and Delivery Committee

  • Date: 4 September 2019
  • Time: 9:30 - 12:30

1. Introductions
Introductions and apologies led by Chair

2. Minutes
Draft minutes for approval

3. Matters Arising
Update on actions led Committee Chair

Standing Items

4. 2019/20 Performance Update
4.1 Budget / MTFP
4.1a How do the Force actuals compare with the 2019/20 year-end forecast, and has expenditure been in the planned areas?
4.2 Policing Plan performance
4.2a How has BTP performed against the National and Local Policing Plan Commitments? What have been the key areas of success and what were the main challenges, and how are these challenges being addressed?
4.3 People and Culture
4.3a Are the correct number of employees, with the appropriate skillsets, based in the right locations? Are there any significant gaps arising from the Transformation Programme?
4.3b What are the current themes emerging from PSD cases, civil claims and employment tribunals? Are there any current areas of risk and what is being done to mitigate these?
Presentation from BTP

5. Strategy Update
5.1 Delivery Plan
5.2 Efficiencies
Presentation from BTP

Other Business

6. Reflection on effectiveness of meeting
Discussion led by Chair

7. Any other business
7.1 Any risks highlighted in meeting to be communicated to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee
Other business and risks to be raised by Committee Members

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Agenda| Minutes