Meeting: People and Culture

  • Date: 8 June 2022
  • Time: 10:30 - 12:30
  • Location: Hybrid Meeting - BTPA Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, 25 Camden Road and via Microsoft Teams



As per paragraph 40, Annex 5 (Procedural Standing Orders) of the BTPA Code of Governance (September 2021), this meeting will be held in private but with its papers and minutes published online, in accordance with BTPA’s FOI Publication Scheme. Any item below marked with an asterisk (*) has been withheld from publication in line with the Publication Scheme. Please direct any enquiries to Alistair MacLellan / [email protected].

The agenda pack for the meeting is available here and background papers are available on request.

Agenda Item 1

Declarations of Interest
Agenda Item 2

Minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2022
Agenda Item 3

Minutes of the Pension Working Group meeting held on 5 May 2022
Agenda Item 3.1

Agenda Item 4

Risk Profile
Agenda Item 5

[Background Paper] Briefing Note: Current UK Recruitment Market
Agenda Item 5.1

[Background Paper] Direct Entry Detectives Programme Update
Agenda Item 5.2

Draft People Strategy 2022/25
Agenda Item 6

Internal Communications Update
Agenda Item 7

‘Speak Up’ Campaign
Agenda Item 8

2022/23 Financial Crisis: Implications for Employee Wellbeing
Agenda Item 9

RM3: Health and Safety Risk Management Maturity Model Assessment
Agenda Item 10

[Background Paper] RM3 Full Report
Agenda Item 10.1

People Data Q4 2021/22
Agenda Item 11

Committee Workplan 2022/23
Agenda Item 12

Terms of Reference
Agenda 12.1

[Background Paper] PEQF Procurement Strategy
Agenda Item 13

Any Other Business
Agenda Item 14

Meeting Evaluation
Agenda Item 15