- Date: 18 September 2013
- Time: 12.30pm
- Location: The Forum, 5th Floor North, 74-80 Camden Street, London NW1 0EG
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Minutes of Meeting 23 July 2013
3. Matters Arising
a. Impact on charging of new operating model – early findings
b. Verbal update on relevant Rail Delivery Group work streams (standing item)
4. Committee work plan 2013/14 and beyond
Report from the Committee Chair to identify key tasks, timescales and sequencing of the tasks and interrelationships between the activities of the Strategy & Planning and other Committees
5. Setting the conditions for the 2014-15 Policing Plan
Proposals from the Policing Plan Group Chair on the shape and approach to the forthcoming annual plan
6. Delivery of the communications Plan: Stakeholder engagement event 26.09.13
Proposals from the Chief Executive on the structure and focus of the stakeholder workshop
7. AOB