This committee oversaw BTP’s complaints and discipline processes and tracks any trends; assessed counter corruption and integrity practices; and oversaw BTP’s human resources and the work of the Professional Standards Department. The quorum of the committee was half the Membership.
The People and Standards Committee formally reported in writing to the Authority updating on any other significant matters arising.
Former Responsibilities
Standards and Integrity
- To assess the measures taken by the Force to ensure police integrity, counter corruption and identify breaches
- To respond to consultations on police integrity and pertaining to professional standards
- To assess the impact for the Authority and Force of proposed changes in the professional standards and police integrity area, making appropriate recommendations to the Authority
- Satisfy itself as to the operation of the complaints, discipline and grievance processes within the Force including the monitoring of progress against IPCC recommendations
- Oversee BTP compliance with legislative requirements and guidance with respect to custody facilities
- Analyse the output from the independent custody visiting scheme and escalate any issues as appropriate.
- Track trends in relation to public complaints, non complaint investigations and investigations into civil claims and internal matters conducted by the Professional Standards Department (PSD) and make recommendations as appropriate
- Monitor the mandatory requirement for referral of cases to the IPCC
- Oversee the development and maintenance of the Force’s capability and representation through the monitoring of key HR data relating to recruitment, retention, progression and management of attendance.
- Satisfy itself as to the operation of the grievance and employment tribunal processes within the Force
- Oversight of the delivery of the People Strategy
- The Authority satisfies itself as the legal employer of police staff and officers, of compliance with relevant employment legislation
- Annual health and safety report to the Audit & Risk Assurance Committee’s May meeting
- Annual file review at the April meeting
The People and Standards Committee met at least 4 times a year. The Chair of the Committee may convene additional meetings, as they deem necessary.