Meeting: Strategy and Planning Committee

  • Date: 5 June 2019
  • Time: 9:30 - 13:00
  • Location: The Forum, 5th Floor North, 74-80 Camden Street, London NW1 0EG

1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Minutes of meeting 05 March for approval

3. Matters arising

4. Strategy implementation
Presentation from BTP Director of Strategy and Change including;
a. BTP2021 dashboard end of year 1 summary of progress against the plan
b. Efficiency update on progress at end of year 1
c. Digital strategy update
d. Work to close the funding gap for 2019/20 [to be presented in the meeting]
e. Updated proposals regarding a refresh of the Strategic Plan

5. Development of a People and Culture Strategy for BTP
Update and discussion paper from BTP Director of People and Culture

6. Stakeholder engagement plan for potential changes to contracting landscape
Paper updating on proposals and work to date from BTPA Executive

7. Business cases for approval and business case register for information
i. Single Online Home
ii. Milton Keynes relocation

8. Findings of the annual review of the Policing Plan process
Paper from BTPA Head of Strategy and Planning for review and endorsement

9. Summary of the key risks, messages and internal/external communications points emerging from meeting Discussion led by the Committee Chair

10. Any other business