BTPA advertises for Welsh member

BTPA advertises for new Welsh member
circa £15k, 30 days p.a. for four years

Cliciwch yma ar gyfer y Gymraeg

The Secretary of State for Transport is seeking to appoint a Member with knowledge of Welsh rail passenger interests who can enhance the work of BTPA through their skills, knowledge and experience.

You will need to demonstrate highly developed team-working and interpersonal skills, integrity and sound judgement. A solid commitment to an equal opportunities and diversity agenda is paramount. Experience of engaging effectively with the commercial world is essential.

As someone representing the interests of persons in Wales you will demonstrate an understanding of railway security and the British Transport Police. You will also understand the Welsh political environment and its interface with the rest of Great Britain. Your contribution to the aims and objectives of the Authority will provide evidence and input from a Welsh perspective.

The application period for this position has now closed.

Interviews to be held the week commencing 29 April in Wales.

Documents to download

Please note you will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open and fill out the above documents. This software is available free of charge from Adobe’s website.

Contact information

Laverne Bryant (Miss)
British Transport Police Authority
Tel: 020 7388 2643
Email: [email protected]

The British Transport Police Authority values equality and diversity in employment and a socially inclusive transport system. We particularly welcome applications from disabled, women and minority ethnic groups.

About the BTPA

BTPA is an independent body of that oversees the British Transport Police. It is composed of 15 members who represent the rail operators and passengers. It maintains the force’s budget, allocates resources and makes senior appointments to the force. For more information, visit

British Transport Police is the specialist, national police service for Britain’s railways. It deals with major and minor crime, disorder and incidents, and covers the rail system in England, Wales and Scotland. Its police officers, Police Community Support Officers, Special Constables and support staff are recruited and trained like those of local forces and have the same powers.

Aelod dros Gymru

Awdurdod Heddlu Trafnidiaeth Prydain

tua £15m, 30 diwrnod y.f. am bedair blynedd

Mae’r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Drafnidiaeth eisiau penodi Aelod â gwybodaeth am fuddion teithwyr rheilffyrdd Cymru a all wella gwaith BTPA trwy eu sgiliau, gwybodaeth a phrofiad.

Bydd angen ichi arddangos sgiliau gwaith tîm a rhyngbersonol, uniondeb a barn gadarn. Mae ymrwymiad pendant i agenda cyfle cyfartal ac amrywiaeth o’r pwys mwyaf. Mae profiad o ymgysylltu’n effeithiol â’r byd masnachol yn hanfodol.

Fel rhywun sy’n cynrychioli buddion pobl yng Nghymru byddwch yn arddangos dealltwriaeth o ddiogeledd rheilffyrdd a Heddlu Trafnidiaeth Prydain. Hefyd byddwch yn deall amgylchedd gwleidyddol Cymru a’i ryngwyneb â gweddill Prydain Ffawr. Bydd eich cyfraniad at nodau ac amcanion yr Awdurdod yn darparu tystiolaeth ac adborth oddi wrth bersbectif Cymreig.

Cyfweliadau i’w cynnal yn yr wythnos sy’n cychwyn ar 29 Ebrill yng Nghymru.


Gysylltu â Laverne Bryant yn BTPA ([email protected]) i gael pecyn cais yn Gymraeg.

Mae Awdurdod Heddlu Trafnidiaeth Prydain yn cydnabod gwerth cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth mewn cyflogaeth a system drafnidiaeth sy’n gymdeithasol-gynhwysfawr. Rydym yn croesawu’n arbennig geisiadau gan bobl anabl, menywod a grwpiau lleiafrifoedd ethnig.


Mae’r BTPA yn gorff annibynnol â chyfrifoldeb dros sicrhau gwasanaeth heddlu effeithiol ac effeithlon i’r rhwydwaith trenau yn Lloegr, yr Alban a Chymru.

BTPA agrees 2013/14 budget

British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) today agreed the first year of its medium-term financial plan, which sets the police force’s budget for the forthcoming year.

The budget for BTPA and BTP in 2013/14 will increase from £198.8m in the previous year, a net increase of 1.8%.

The overall charge BTPA will be levying to Train and Freight Operating Companies under Police Service Agreements in 2012/13 will be £202.4m. This largely excludes BTP’s funding from London Underground, which is arranged separately.

For more information contact

Michael Daventry
British Transport Police Authority
Tel: 020 7383 5678
Email: [email protected]

About the BTPA

BTPA is an independent body of that oversees the British Transport Police. It is composed of 15 members who represent the rail operators and passengers. It maintains the force’s budget, allocates resources and makes senior appointments to the force. For more information, visit

British Transport Police is the specialist, national police service for Britain’s railways. It deals with major and minor crime, disorder and incidents, and covers the rail system in England, Wales and Scotland. Its police officers, Police Community Support Officers, Special Constables and support staff are recruited and trained like those of local forces and have the same powers.

Police and Crime Commissioners: candidate briefing

British Transport Police Authority has today published a briefing document for Police and Crime Commissioner candidates to help them understand the role of BTPA and BTP in policing the railways.

Elections for the first Police and Crime Commissioners in England and Wales are scheduled to take place on Thursday 15 November. BTPA was not affected by the provisions of Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, which replaces territorial police authorities, and will retain its existing structure after the election next month.

BTPA advertises for Scottish member

The Secretary of State for Transport is seeking to appoint a Member with Scottish interests who can enhance the work of the British Transport Police Authority through their skills, knowledge and experience.

As someone representing the interests of persons in Scotland you will demonstrate an understanding of railway security and the British Transport Police. You will also understand the Scottish political environment and its interface with the rest of Great Britain. Your contribution to the aims and objectives of the Authority will provide evidence and input from a Scottish perspective.

You will need to demonstrate highly developed team-working and interpersonal skills, integrity and sound judgement. A solid commitment to an equal opportunities and diversity agenda is paramount. Experience of engaging effectively with the commercial world is essential.

Applications for this position closed at 5pm on Friday 6 July.

Contact information

Laverne Bryant
British Transport Police Authority
Tel: 020 7388 2643
Email: [email protected]

The British Transport Police Authority values equality and diversity in employment and a socially inclusive transport system. We particularly welcome applications from disabled, women and minority ethnic groups.

About the BTPA

BTPA is an independent body of that oversees the British Transport Police. It is composed of 15 members who represent the rail operators and passengers. It maintains the force’s budget, allocates resources and makes senior appointments to the force. For more information, visit

British Transport Police is the specialist, national police service for Britain’s railways. It deals with major and minor crime, disorder and incidents, and covers the rail system in England, Wales and Scotland. Its police officers, Police Community Support Officers, Special Constables and support staff are recruited and trained like those of local forces and have the same powers.

Brian Phillpott is BTPA’s new deputy chair

Brian Phillpott, a former Divisional Commander at the Metropolitan Police, was appointed today as the new deputy chairman of the British Transport Police Authority.

“I am pleased to welcome Brian,” said Millie Banerjee, BTPA chairman. “He brings a combination of police and public sector governance experience to the Police Authority.”

Brian Phillpott, who was appointed by the Department for Transport, served for 31 years with Gloucestershire Constabulary and the Metropolitan Police Service, where he retired as Divisional Commander in 1997.

Since then he has spent more than 15 years on the Boards of NHS Hospital Trusts, most recently for more than 6 years, as Chair of Croydon Health Services NHS Trust.

For more information contact

Michael Daventry
British Transport Police Authority
Tel: 020 7383 5678
Email: [email protected]

About the BTPA

BTPA is an independent body of that oversees the British Transport Police. It is composed of 15 members who represent the rail operators and passengers. It maintains the force’s budget, allocates resources and makes senior appointments to the force. For more information, visit

British Transport Police is the specialist, national police service for Britain’s railways. It deals with major and minor crime, disorder and incidents, and covers the rail system in England, Wales and Scotland. Its police officers, Police Community Support Officers, Special Constables and support staff are recruited and trained like those of local forces and have the same powers.