Authority chairman to leave after four years

The Department for Transport (DfT) has decided not to extend Sir Alistair Graham’s contract beyond the 30th September 2008.

Sir David O’Dowd, Deputy Chair, will take over as interim Chairman until a successor is appointed.

The DfT will be taking steps to recruit a successor.

Richard Hemmings

BTPA Chief Executive & Clerk

BTPA Strengthens Olympic Team

The British Transport Police Authority has appointed two new ACCs (Assistant Chief Constables) with roles relating to Operations, London and the Olympics. A third ACC has been appointed to cover the crime portfolio.

ACC Alan Pacey, who has covered the ACC (Operations) role on a temporary basis since January 2006 has been made more substantive in this role.

ACC Steve Thomas joined the BTP as of July, from Greater Manchester Police, covering London and the Olympics. He has lead on football policing in the past, having been in charge of the British police in Germany for the 2006 World Cup.

ACC Paul Robb retired this month after 31 years at the BTP. His role has been taken over by ACC Paul Crowther, who was previously Chief Superintendent in charge of policing London Underground and Docklands Light Railway.

BTP’s 4th ACC, whose portfolio covers Scotland and Organisational Support, is David McCall. He joined the BTP in March 2004 from the Scottish Drug Enforcement Agency, where he was Deputy Director.

Sir Alistair Graham, Chairman of the British Transport Police Authority has said, “These latest appointments are an investment in the future and an important step in planning for the challenges around the 2012 London Olympics.”

BTP Chief Constable, Ian Johnston has commented, “The 2012 Olympics present a huge challenge for the police and security services. These appointments build on our success and help to provide the expertise and command resilience we need to continue the important task of keeping our rail systems safe.”

For more information and images, please visit the BTP Press Centre.