Highlights from the BTPA 2015 industry workshop

Officials from UK and Scottish Government joined senior passenger and rail industry representatives in London last week to discuss the future of policing Great Britain’s railways and the current issues affecting the British Transport Police (BTP) and rail (24 September).

Invited guests, including representatives from Transport Focus, TfL, Rail Delivery Group (RDG) and freight and train operating companies were attending the British Transport Police Authority’s (BTPA) Annual Industry Workshop where a clear message of collaboration and a willingness to engage threaded through talks delivered on the day.

Opening the event, acting Chair of the BTPA Brian Phillpott reminded guests of the commitments the Authority had made at last year’s event and confirmed that the Authority is still guided by those principles which were designed as a result of industry feedback.

Paul Crowther

Setting the scene for policing, the Chief Constable of BTP Paul Crowther shared with guests the complexities and challenges of policing a major transport system which unlike other transport hubs, cannot adopt airport style security measures and yet would result in massive disruption costing society billions if under terrorist attack. During this period of heightened security the Chief discussed how it is more important than ever to work with industry to prepare and develop plans. Reinforcing the theme of collaboration, the chief reminded delegates that the ambition of the Authority and the Force is for BTP to be the supplier of choice and not just a service that the rail industry has to fund. Pointing to the value the BTP adds to the rail industry, Paul discussed the additional functions performed by the Force that do not constitute core policing yet saves industry and society billions each year. These value added services, such as preventing trespass or suicides, were picked up later in a presentation by the Chief Executive of BTPA Andrew Figgures who discussed the Force’s budget.

Andrew encouraged industry to consider how much it values the performance of these additional duties – which fall outside the realm of statutory policing – and as such could be compromised by government cuts. He invited guests to engage with the Authority and the Force to better understand the issue and the potential impact on a service that has been collaboratively fine-tuned over the last decade.

Guests were also invited to get involved in consultation kicking off next month that will be used to design the plans and priorities for policing in 2016/17. Liz France Deputy Chair of the Authority highlighted how the 2015/16 policing plans evidenced the strong correlation between industry requests and a Force and Authority response. This included the delivery of local problem solving plans and a breakdown of the deployment of Force resources across the rail network and Liz appealed for active industry engagement this year. The wider issue of a government review, which could mean the scrapping of police targets, was also raised by the deputy chair who encouraged industry to talk to the Authority about this matter to determine whether targets are still the right approach for the rail community. This was followed up by a presentation by RDG who described the work it was doing to assist and support policing and security on the railways.

Chair Brian Phillpott

Before closing the annual workshop Brian, who had chaired a lively Q&A with industry guests and speakers said: “We welcome the challenges and input from industry today as it improves relationships and the services we deliver.”

To compliment upcoming policing plan consultation, industry heads of security will be sent a survey later in the year to help better understand their needs for policing in 2016/17 and to measure how they feel the Authority and the Force have performed over the last 12 months.

BTPA Chair Brian added: “I am confident that guests who attended this year’s event will take back the message that both the Authority and the Force are eager to continue to do business and provide a service that is backed and directed by the people who use it.”

Click on the links below to view slides from the event:

Paul Crowther Chief Constable, BTPPolicing update

Liz France Deputy Chair, BTPA: Policing plan 2016/17

Andrew Figgures Chief Executive, BTPA: Impact of Spending Review 2015

Andy Odell, RDG: One year on

BTPA annual industry workshop 2015

The BTPA is inviting industry representatives to join this year’s annual workshop to hear how the BTPA and BTP have performed in the last 12 months and to find out more about our plans for the year ahead.

Invited guests, which include senior members of staff representing the rail industry, passengers and the Force are encouraged to attend this annual event.

Attendees can expect an operational update from the Chief Constable of BTP, an overview of progress against our strategic plan, a look ahead on agreeing the budget and priorities for 2016/17 and an input on partnership working from the Rail Delivery Group.

The event will take place 24 September 2015, 9.30am-13.45pm at:

BMA House

Tavistock Square



Click map to view in full

Map of BMA house

Event details

9.30-10.00am Arrivals and refreshments

10.00-10.10am Welcome and introductions

Brian Phillpott Chair, BTPA

10.10-11.15am Update from BTP to include

  • Counter Terrorism
  • Progress against the strategic plan
  • Transformation programme

Paul Crowther Chief Constable, BTP

11.30am-11.45am Policing Plan 2016/17

Liz France Deputy Chair, BTPA

11.45am-12.15pm Impact of Spending Review 2015 

Andrew Figgures Chief Executive, BTPA

12.15-12.30pm Rail Delivery Group – one year on

Andy Odell, RDG

12.30-12.45pm Closing speeches and thanks  

Brain Phillpott Chair, BTPA

12.45-13.45pm Lunch

If you are interested in attending or would like more information please call 020 7 383 0259.

Keep checking our website for the most up to date information about our workshop.

Find out what happened at last year’s event.

Deputy steps up as Chair of police body

BTPA can announce Brian Phillpott has stepped up as interim Chair of the body that oversees the work of British Transport Police whilst the Department for Transport (DfT) seeks a new appointment (15 August).

The Secretary of State for Transport gave agreement for Brian, who until Friday was the Deputy chair of the BTPA, to take up the post supported by interim Deputy Chair Liz France who has been an Authority Member since 2010.

The announcement follows the departure of former Chair Millie Banerjee who left BTPA on Friday.

Both Brian and Liz will work closely with Members, BTP’s Chief Constable and the Authority’s Chief Executive to maintain the strategy the Authority has set – and that the Force is delivering – in order to reduce disruption and crime on the railways whilst increasing passenger confidence, all within a tightly controlled budget.

BTPA Chief Executive Andrew Figgures said: “Brian and Liz will provide much needed continuity over the period of the spending review and whilst the Force is undergoing a major transformation as well as managing the increased threat level to our railways.”

DfT are expected to appoint a new chair before the end of the year.

Authority seek new Assistant Chief Constable for BTP – closed

The British Transport Police Authority is looking for an Assistant Chief Constable to join the senior team of officers at the police force.

British Transport Police (BTP) is the specialist police force serving the railways across England, Wales & Scotland.  Rail transport is flourishing, with significant expansion of infrastructure and continued increases in passengers and freight.  Working in partnership with the industry, BTP delivers a networked, responsive, innovative and visible policing service to ensure the safety, security and reliability of the rail and underground network and all who use it.

This is a policing job with a difference – working closely with the Rail Industry. The railways are expanding – more than 2.7 billion passenger journeys and 113 million tonnes of freight to be moved next year on the rail system throughout Great Britain including London Underground. The environment is operationally and commercially demanding.

We want an Assistant Chief Constable who can build on the excellent performance of others to achieve our ambitious objectives. A risk-based approach with the ability to exercise wide discretion in the use of police powers is required to keep the railways running, staff secure and passengers safe whilst preserving the integrity of the office of constable.

If you are ambitious and can show you have the ability to justify this, we want to hear from you.

Documents to download 

BTPA ACC Appointment Pack

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Applications for this position close at 11.59pm Sunday 13 September 2015.

Contact information

If you have any questions about the application process please contact Iggi Falcon on 020 7387 3810 or email [email protected].

We want our organisation to be as diverse as the community it serves. We welcome applicants from all sections of community.

About the BTPA 

BTPA is an independent body of that oversees the British Transport Police. It is composed of 15 members who represent the rail operators and passengers. It maintains the force’s budget, allocates resources and makes senior appointments to the force.

For more information visit www.btpa.police.uk.

British Transport Police is the specialist, national police service for Britain’s railways. It deals with major and minor crime, disorder and incidents, and covers the rail system in England, Wales and Scotland. Its police officers, Police Community Support Officers, Special Constables and support staff are recruited and trained like those of local forces and have the same powers.

BTPA annual industry workshop 2015

The BTPA is inviting industry representatives to join this year’s annual workshop to hear how the BTPA and BTP have performed in the last 12 months and to find out more about our plans for the year ahead.

Invited guests, which include senior members of staff representing the rail industry, passengers and the Force are encouraged to attend this annual event.

The agenda for the day is being finalised, and will be published on our website, but attendees can expect an operational update from the Chief Constable, an overview of progress against our strategic plan, a look ahead on agreeing the budget and priorities for 2016/17 and an input on partnership working from the RDG.

The event will take place 24 September 2015 at:

BMA House

Tavistock Square



Click map to view in full

Map of BMA house

Event details

9.30am: coffee and registration

10am – 1pm: presentations TBC

1pm: lunch and networking

If you are interested in attending or would like more information please call 020 7 383 0259.

Keep checking our website for the most up to date information about the workshop.

Find out what happened at last year’s event.