The latest news from BTPA.
BTP Deputy Chief Constable to retire from policing
9th July 2020

BTP Deputy Chief Constable Adrian Hanstock has announced his retirement from policing after more than 37 years’ service. DCC Hanstock has made the decision to step down in 2021, having served in three different police forces, and running the operational and governance functions of British Transport Police for the last six years. DCC Hanstock said:…
BTP Authority Meetings can now be watched online
9th July 2020

Following our transition to online meetings in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, we are now able to easily record our meetings and share them with the public. You can now watch the most recent Authority Meeting (24 June) in the Committees section of our website.
Campaign launched to find new BTP Chief Constable
1st June 2020

The British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) and Department for Transport (DfT) are looking for a new Chief Constable to lead Britain’s specialist policing service that protects the rail network. The BTPA have today launched the search for the position of BTP Chief Constable, looking for someone who can provide effective leadership to a large, dispersed…
Update on the 2020/21 Policing Plan
18th May 2020

The British Transport Police are working hard on the frontline during the current COVID-19 pandemic in difficult circumstances and in support of the public and rail industry partners. The Police Authority are doing all that we can to support the Force through this period. Prior to the pandemic, the Force and the Authority had worked…
HMICFRS Report on Disruption
29th April 2020

This week, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) published their report on the British Transport Police’s ability to reduce disruption on the rail network. Below is the response from BTPA Chair Ron Barclay Smith: The BTPA welcomes the report from HMICFRS and its recommendations. While much progress has been made, and…