
BTPA recruits only in a selected number of categories, details of which can be found below. It is not responsible for recruiting officers and staff for the police force below the rank of Chief Officer. Any recruitment enquiries below this rank should be directed to the BTP website.

Chief Officers

The British Transport Police Authority is responsible for senior appointments to the police force. These positions are:

  • Chief Constable
  • Deputy Chief Constable
  • Assistant Chief Constables
  • Director of Finance & Commercial Services
  • Director of People and Culture

Although it does not appoint other officers and members of staff at the British Transport Police, BTPA is their employer.

Executive staff

BTPA recruits members of staff to support Authority members and the Chief Executive from offices in Camden. Any vacancies will be advertised on the Latest News page.

Independent Custody Visitors

BTPA works in partnership with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime in London to organise random, unannounced visits by individuals unconnected to either authority to its police custody facilities. Information on becoming such a visitor is available here.

Authority members

Membership of the British Transport Police Authority is a ministerial appointment. Any vacancies are advertised and filled by the Department for Transport.

Armed Forces Covenant

In 2018, BTP signed the Armed Forces Convenant, highlighting our commitment to the Armed Forces Community. The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise that those who serve or have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly.