The latest news from BTPA.
New Chief Executive for BTPA
26th March 2010

British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) today announced the appointment of Andrew Figgures CBE as its new Chief Executive. He joins BTPA following a distinguished career with the Ministry of Defence that included service in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Iraq. In June 2006 he became Deputy Chief of Defence Staff with responsibility for Capability, an appointment which saw…
Assistant Chief Constable recruitment
11th March 2010

Assistant Chief Constable: the British Transport Police Authority will be advertising to fill this vacancy on Friday 12 March 2010. To see the advertisement and make an application, please visit the vacancy’s microsite by clicking here. Please note that the candidate pack will be made available on the website at 5pm on Friday 12 March. For…
Ron Culley retirement
11th March 2010

BTPA chairman Millie Banerjee announced the retirement of Ron Culley at this morning’s Police Authority meeting. Mr Culley, who has been a member since June 2008, has informed the Secretary of State for Transport that he will be retiring on 26 March. The Police Authority would like to thank Mr Culley for his service as…
Advertisement for new Chief Executive
10th January 2010

British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) today advertised for a new Chief Executive to take the organisation into the next decade. The recruitment process is led by Gatenby Sanderson, which will be accepting applications until the closing date of Friday 29 January 2010. An advertisement and full details on the role can be found on the…
BTPA agrees 1.3% budget increase
9th December 2009

BTPA has approved an increase of 1.3% to British Transport Police funding in 2010/11, with the intention to target a 0% increase the following year. Meeting on 9 December, members of the Police Authority noted the extraordinary years of large budget increases, totalling a 57% increase between 2004 and 2009. It was also acknowledged, however,…