The latest news from BTPA.
BTPA chair pens open letter to rail community
2nd December 2014

In an open letter to the rail community BTPA Chair Millie Banerjee has set out her vision for how the Authority intends to work better with colleagues in the rail world in a bid to continue ‘shaping progress together’. Dear colleague, You may remember at our annual stakeholder event I promised to write to you…
Response to recommendation to devolve BTP
27th November 2014

The BTPA has responded to a report released today that has recommended the functions of the British Transport Police in Scotland will be a devolved matter. The Smith Commission, led by Lord Smith in consultation with the Scottish Parliament’s five parties was set up to recommended a package of powers that should be devolved to…
Authority seeks new members – now closed
20th November 2014

BTPA Member Vacancies (x4) – Deadline extended to 19 December 2014 The British Transport Police Authority exists to ensure the efficient and effective policing of Britain’s railways by the British Transport Police. The Authority is responsible for the strategy, the policing plan and the budget for policing the railways. The Secretary of State for Transport…
Government concludes review into police Authority
21st October 2014

A government review into the BTPA has concluded that it is an organisation that listens, has demonstrated a willingness to work collaboratively with the rail industry and has good leadership. In the second, and final part of a review into the Authority’s work, the Minister of State for Transport Baroness Kramer has released a report…
Police Authority welcomes new DCC for BTP
16th October 2014

The Chief Executive of the body that oversees the work of the transport police met the new Deputy Chief Constable (DCC) for the Force this afternoon to welcome him to the team following his appointment earlier in the year. BTP’s new DCC Adrian Hanstock started work for the Force this week having been sworn in…