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Authority chairman to leave after four years

27th March 2008

Authority chairman to leave after four years

The Department for Transport (DfT) has decided not to extend Sir Alistair Graham’s contract beyond the 30th September 2008. Sir David O’Dowd, Deputy Chair, will take over as interim Chairman until a successor is appointed. The DfT will be taking steps to recruit a successor. Richard Hemmings BTPA Chief Executive & Clerk

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BTPA Strengthens Olympic Team

19th July 2007

BTPA Strengthens Olympic Team

The British Transport Police Authority has appointed two new ACCs (Assistant Chief Constables) with roles relating to Operations, London and the Olympics. A third ACC has been appointed to cover the crime portfolio. ACC Alan Pacey, who has covered the ACC (Operations) role on a temporary basis since January 2006 has been made more substantive…

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