The latest news from BTPA.
Advertisement: Communications and Engagement Officer
22nd August 2013

Applications for this position closed at 5pm on Friday, 13th September 2013. The British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) is the independent body responsible for ensuring an efficient and effective police force for the railways throughout Great Britain. The British Transport Police is Great Britain’s dedicated national force policing the railways. Uniquely funded by the railway industry,…
Five new members appointed to the board of the British Transport Police Authority
29th July 2013

The British Transport Police Authority has announced 5 new members. The appointment of 5 new board members to the British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) was announced by Transport Minister Simon Burns today (29 July 2013), strengthening the effectiveness of the authority. The new board members will take up their appointments from September for an initial…
Policing plans published
1st May 2013

BTPA has published British Transport Police’s objectives for the next policing year, which runs between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2014. The policing plan covers BTP’s national objectives across England, Scotland and Wales, as well as local targets for the force’s seven operational areas. This year, BTPA is collecting all the national and area…
BTPA advertises for five new members
24th March 2013

BTPA advertises for five new members circa £15k, 30 days p.a. for four years The Secretary of State for Transport is seeking to appoint up to five members who can enhance the work of the Authority through their skills, knowledge and experience. Four members with knowledge of rail industry interests You will have had experience…
BTPA advertises for Welsh member
21st March 2013

BTPA advertises for new Welsh member circa £15k, 30 days p.a. for four years Cliciwch yma ar gyfer y Gymraeg The Secretary of State for Transport is seeking to appoint a Member with knowledge of Welsh rail passenger interests who can enhance the work of BTPA through their skills, knowledge and experience. You will need…