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Highlights from the BTPA 2015 industry workshop

30th September 2015

Highlights from the BTPA 2015 industry workshop

Officials from UK and Scottish Government joined senior passenger and rail industry representatives in London last week to discuss the future of policing Great Britain’s railways and the current issues affecting the British Transport Police (BTP) and rail (24 September). Invited guests, including representatives from Transport Focus, TfL, Rail Delivery Group (RDG) and freight and…

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BTPA annual industry workshop 2015

8th September 2015

BTPA annual industry workshop 2015

The BTPA is inviting industry representatives to join this year’s annual workshop to hear how the BTPA and BTP have performed in the last 12 months and to find out more about our plans for the year ahead. Invited guests, which include senior members of staff representing the rail industry, passengers and the Force are…

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Deputy steps up as Chair of police body

18th August 2015

Deputy steps up as Chair of police body

BTPA can announce Brian Phillpott has stepped up as interim Chair of the body that oversees the work of British Transport Police whilst the Department for Transport (DfT) seeks a new appointment (15 August). The Secretary of State for Transport gave agreement for Brian, who until Friday was the Deputy chair of the BTPA, to…

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Authority seek new Assistant Chief Constable for BTP – closed

18th August 2015

Authority seek new Assistant Chief Constable for BTP – closed

The British Transport Police Authority is looking for an Assistant Chief Constable to join the senior team of officers at the police force. British Transport Police (BTP) is the specialist police force serving the railways across England, Wales & Scotland.  Rail transport is flourishing, with significant expansion of infrastructure and continued increases in passengers and…

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BTPA annual industry workshop 2015

17th July 2015

BTPA annual industry workshop 2015

The BTPA is inviting industry representatives to join this year’s annual workshop to hear how the BTPA and BTP have performed in the last 12 months and to find out more about our plans for the year ahead. Invited guests, which include senior members of staff representing the rail industry, passengers and the Force are…

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