The latest news from BTPA.
Member reappointment
27th April 2020

The Authority is pleased to announce that the Secretary of State for Transport has approved the reappointment of BTPA member Beverley Shears for another four-year term until January 2024. Bev has been an Authority member since 2017, and currently sits on the Strategy and Planning Committee and Appointments and Remuneration Committee, as well as the…
An update from BTPA in response to COVID-19
23rd April 2020

23 April 2020 Given the ongoing situation around COVID-19, Authority staff are still working remotely but we are keeping our approach under regular review. All staff are contactable via email and meetings are being carried out via video call. The BTPA senior team are supporting the BTP via its twice daily gold group calls and…
Statement from the BTPA Chair
20th April 2020

On behalf of the Authority I would like to say how terribly sad we all were to hear of the death of Detective Constable John Coker on Friday 17 April. It is clear that he was a much valued colleague and will be missed by many of us at BTP. Our thoughts are with his…
We want to hear your views on policing the railway in 2020
16th January 2020

The British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) are seeking the views of rail staff and passengers on the BTP’s Policing Plans for 2020/21. Every April, the BTPA publishes the policing plans for the year, including objectives, measures and resource numbers for each of its regional divisions. Prior to this, the Police Authority reaches out to colleagues…
BTP Chief Constable awarded CBE in 2020 New Year’s Honours
2nd January 2020

The British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) would like to congratulate Chief Constable Paul Crowther on being awarded a CBE in the 2020 New Year’s Honours. BTPA Chair Ron Barclay-Smith said: “On behalf of my Authority colleagues I would like to congratulate Paul. This is both greatly deserved and a testament to Paul’s hard work and…