PCC press briefing 07/2013

18th February 2003

This week’s briefing covers stories from 18 police areas in England and Wales across the following BTP regions:

London North (2): Bedfordshire, Essex
London South (3): Dorset, Hampshire, Surrey
North East (6): Cleveland, Derbyshire, Durham, North Yorkshire, Northamptonshire, South Yorkshire
North West (2) : Greater Manchester, Staffordshire;
Wales & Western (8): Avon & Somerset, Devon & Cornwall, North Wales, Warwickshire, West Mercia

In this issue:

Appointment of deputy PCCs

[The Guardian] has branded Surrey’s Kevin Hurley as “Britain’s most outspoken PCC” after he openly admitted not running a transparent and open process to appoint his deputy.

In an interview with the [Epsom Guardian] he said: “The role was too important for me to go through a process of interview boards with people I don’t know. To put it bluntly, I understand the business. I will not be bamboozled.”

Cleveland PCC Barry Coppinger has “made it clear” he will not be appointing a deputy. [Gazette Live]

Police and crime plans

More PCCs announced police and crime plans for their forces:

  • Essex will not be setting specific targets: PCC Nick Alston wants to see a general crime reduction by next year. [The Enquirier]
  • Avon and Somerset‘s PCC has vowed to crack down on anti-social behaviour. [Bath Chronicle]
  • Tackling the drugs trade and reducing violent crime among Northamptonshire‘s priorities. [Northants Telegraph]

Two PCCs said they planned to focus on victims of crime:

  • Dorset‘s PCC believes victims of crime should have more say in the way offenders are dealt with. [Stour and Avon Magazine]
  • Bedfordshire PCC Olly Martins wants to communicate directly with victims of crime and ‘make sure we’re learning the lessons of their experiences’. [Luton on Sunday]

There were different promises made on police numbers this week:

  • There will be no police officer cuts in Warwickshire, the region’s PCC has promised. [Stratford Observer]
  • Greater Manchester Police is to recruit 250 new staff, including 50 police officers. [Rochdale Online]
  • Surrey’s PCSOs are due to be reviewed in the hope they will change roles to become constables. [Get Surrey]

Police precept on council tax

All police and crime commissioners have now disclosed their precept proposals for 2013/14.

12 areas have frozen the precept, [Police Professional] reports, while Labour PCCs have the highest average increase rate. The highest increase is South Wales’ 7 per cent rise.

The following forces announced an increase in the policing part of council tax bills last week:

A full table of every police area’s precept changes is available here.

West Mercia plans to freeze the precept by using the force’s reserves to plug the budget shortfall. [Shropshire Star]

Warwickshire also announced a budget freeze. [Rugby Advertiser]

Local news by BTP area

London North

See appointments section below.

London South

Hampshire Constabulary is drafting plans for special officers on horseback to help combat crime in rural areas. [BBC News]

North East

Northamptonshire Police is to work closer with the county’s fire service, the PCC has announced. [Council press release]

North West

Body cameras are to be given to more than 1,000 police officers in Staffordshire to capture criminal evidence on film. [BBC News]

Wales & Western

Avon and Somerset Constabulary and Wiltshire Police hailed their ‘Brunel’ collaboration, which has has helped secure a total of 508 years imprisonment for dangerous offenders – in less than two years. [Police Oracle]

North Wales‘s PCC is planning to introduce a specialist countryside force for his region. [WalesOnline]

Other national stories this week

A former Metropolitan Police chief has called for the Independent Police Complaints Commission to be replaced. [Daily Telegraph]


The appointment of a new chief constable for North Yorkshire police has been delayed after interviews failed to find a suitable candidate. [BBC News]

Shaun Sawyer has been confirmed as the new chief constable for Devon and Cornwall Police. [This is North Devon]

Durham‘s temporary Chief Constable is to hold the post permanently, the Police and Crime Panel has confirmed. [BBC News]

Metropolitan Police deputy assistant commissioner Stephen Kavanagh has been named the preferred candidate to become Essex Police’s next chief constable. [BBC News]