Increase capacity & capability

We will increase our capacity and capability through improved efficiency by:


2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
CD1 Continuing to roll out, and increase the utilisation of, mobile data to operational staff to reduce bureaucracy, increase visibility on the rail and underground network, and make frontline staff more efficient (ACC Crime).
CD2 Ensuring that maximum benefit is gleaned from BTP’s complementary policing strategy utilising the assets of our wider BTP family. (ACC Operations).
CD3 Maintaining a rigorous performance monitoring regime, including Headquarters Departments, so that all staff are accountable for their performance, underachievement is properly dealt with and good performance is recognised and rewarded (Deputy Chief Constable).
CD4 Continuing to develop BTP’s inspection regime and to share best practice across BTP (Deputy Chief Constable).
CD5 Reducing sickness absence for all employees to an average of eight days per employee (Director of Human Resources).
CD6 Working with other agencies to apply the CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy) financial management model; to develop a profile of the strengths and weaknesses of financial management, and its predominant style in BTP and then change this where necessary to ensure it is aligned to supporting the organisation’s strategic goals (Director of Finance & Corporate Services).
CD7 Implementing a new system of case management and custody that will be integrated with the wider criminal justice system (ACC Crime).


2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
CD8 Improving the leadership capability within BTP by attracting new staff and developing existing members of BTP (Director of Human Resources).
CD9 Getting more value and improving the performance of our staff by responding to key issues raised within the staff survey (Director of Human Resources).


2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
CD10 Implementing the Frontlinefirst efficiency review programme in order to deliver additional frontline resources, including additional NPTs for BTP Areas (Deputy Chief Constable).
CD11 Collating and evidencing efficiency gains in BTP (Deputy Chief Constable).
CD12 Ensuring that lessons learnt from Professional Standards investigations are fed back promptly and acted upon (Deputy Chief Constable).
CD13 Implementing the recommendations of the Taylor Report in order to provide a proportionate, just and effective process for the investigation and disposal of conduct and complaint matters and to increase the confidence of the public and staff (Deputy Chief Constable).
CD14 Improving compliance with BTP’s policy and procedures (Deputy Chief Constable).
CD15 Maximising value for money from improved procurement (Director of Finance and Corporate Services).
CD16 Ensuring that resource capability and capacity matches the demand and risk profile in order to maximise the resources available for frontline policing (ACC Operations).
CD17 Improving resource planning and utilisation through the integration of technology systems including HR, Duty Management, Command and Control and Payroll (ACC Operations).
CD18 Enhancing BTP’s risk management processes so that BTP is well placed to meet future challenges and opportunities (Director of Finance and Corporate Services).
CD19 Ensuring that all BTP projects are managed properly, so their outcomes provide best value and improve what we do (Deputy Chief Constable).
CD20 Improving financial controls and compliance with regulatory standards in accordance with the recommendations of BTP’s internal and external auditors (Director of Finance & Corporate Services).
CD21 Improving the financial operating regime and the planning processes in BTP (Director of Finance & Corporate Services).
CD22 Analysing causation factors of claims against BTP to ensure lessons learned and prevention or minimisation strategies are considered and acted upon (Director of Finance & Corporate Services).
CD23 Reviewing exposures and maintaining appropriate risk financing and transfer arrangements to minimise the financial impact of an incident or aggregation of incidents that could threaten the operational performance or financial health of BTP (Director of Finance & Corporate Services).
CD24 Reviewing and assessing the findings of the Memorandum of Understanding of BTP as a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) (Director of Finance & Corporate Services).
CD25 Developing and delivering a medium term workforce plan in light of the financial strategy (Director of Human Resources).
CD26 Improving people data to manage staff resources and linking people data systems across HR functions (Director of Human Resources).
CD27 Implementing identified efficiencies in the HR Department (Director of Human Resources).
CD28 Reviewing BTP’s pay structures to enable recruitment and retention of talented employees, and implementing the outcomes in the subsequent two years (Director of Human Resources).
CD29 Reviewing all staff contracts so that they meet BTP’s operational requirements through negotiated implemented revised terms and conditions (Director of Human Resources).
CD30 Improving the resilience and capacity of the technology infrastructure in order to support service delivery more effectively, including a more coherent approach to application management and consideration of video conferencing (Deputy Chief Constable).
CD31 Ensuring BTP is effectively using Airwave and PNC so that maximum operational benefit is derived at least cost (ACC Operations).
CD32 Ensuring that BTP’s Information Management Strategy is compliant with Management of Police Information (MOPI) requirements, and provides a co-ordinated approach to information, information systems and information technology (Deputy Chief Constable).
CD33 Improving the data quality within BTP, in particular emphasising a ‘getting it right the first time’ approach (Deputy Chief Constable).
CD34 Ensuring implementation of the IMPACT Nominal Index (INI) within BTP (ACC Crime).
CD35 Implementing a programme of improvement to BTP’s estate to ensure they meet legal requirements for staff and those who need to access BTP’s services (Director of Finance and Corporate Services).
CD36 Implementing improvements to the utilisation and management of BTP’s fleet (Director of Finance and Corporate Services).


2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
CD37 Maintaining close liaison with the Scottish Police Services Authority (SPSA) in order to identify best practice measures and to capitalise on any efficiencies which might arise (ACC Scotland).